Generalized Latent Variable Modeling by Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh
Section 14.4: Job training and depression

A complier average causal effect model

The data set used in this section is wjobs.dat. We would like to thank Amiram Vinokur and Bengt Muthén for making the data available.

The do-file is

The program used is gllamm. Use the command ssc describe gllamm and follow instructions to download gllamm. For more information on gllamm see

Variables (names as in book):
depressdepression (response variable)
riskbaseline risk score
Txrandomized to receive job training (1:yes, 0:no). This is r_j
basedepbaseline depression score
ageage in years
motivatemotivation to attend training
educschool grade completed
singledummy for being single
econeconomic hardship
nonwhitedummy for not being white
x10not used
c1complier in treatment group (1: complied, 0: did not comply). This is c_j
c2not used

Read and prepare data

infile depress risk r depbase age motivate educ /*
   */ assert single econ nonwhite x10 c c0 using wjobs.dat, clear

gen y1 = c if r==1  /* compliance missing in control group */
gen y2 = depress

gen id=_n
reshape long y, i(id) j(var)
drop if y==.
tab var, gen(d)     /* create dummies d1 and d2 */

List some data

list id var d1 d2 y r c if id==1 | id==2 | id==175 | id==176, clean

        id   var   d1   d2       y   r   c  
  1.     1     2    0    1     .45   0   1  
  2.     2     2    0    1    -.72   0   1  
182.   175     1    1    0       0   1   0  
183.   175     2    0    1   -1.37   1   0  
184.   176     1    1    0       1   1   1  
185.   176     2    0    1     .54   1   1  

Path diagram of CACE model

Interactions and equations (for model without covariates)

gen nr_d2 = (1-r)*d2
gen c_r_d2 = c*r*d2

eq load: nr_d2         /* for beta_1(1-r_j)d_2i */


cons def 1 [p2_1]_cons = [y]d1    /* constraint for varrho */
cons def 2 [z2_1_1]nr_d2 = 1      /* e_1 = 1 */
cons def 3 [z2_1_2]nr_d2 = 0      /* e_2 = 0 */

gllamm command for model without covariates in Table 14.6 (iteration log not shown)

gllamm y d1 d2 c_r_d2, i(id) eqs(load) l(logit ident) /*
  */ f(binom gauss) lv(var) fv(var) ip(fn) nip(2)     /*
  */ constr(1/3) frload(1) nocons     /* beta_1 is "freed" by frload(1) */ 

number of level 1 units = 837
number of level 2 units = 502
Condition Number = 5.8885922
gllamm model with constraints:
 ( 1) - [y]d1 + [p2_1]_cons = 0
 ( 2)  [z2_1_1]nr_d2 = 1
 ( 3)  [z2_1_2]nr_d2 = 0
log likelihood = -815.1493933028294
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          d1 |   .1855983   .1097431     1.69   0.091    -.0294942    .4006907
          d2 |  -.3909498   .0651724    -6.00   0.000    -.5186854   -.2632143
      c_r_d2 |  -.1224928   .0867746    -1.41   0.158    -.2925679    .0475822
Variance at level 1

  .60067675 (.03791846)
Probabilities and locations of random effects

***level 2 (id)
    loc1: 1, 0
  var(1): .24785938
    loadings for random effect 1
    nr_d2: .01526969 (.17004298)
    prob: 0.5463, 0.4537

Estimate of Complier average causal effect:

lincom [y]c_r_d2 - [id1_1l]nr_d2

 ( 1)  [y]c_r_d2 - [id1_1l]nr_d2 = 0

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         (1) |  -.1377625    .141096    -0.98   0.329    -.4143056    .1387806

Define more interactions to add covariates to the model
Make interactions with d1 (dummy for compliance response), for compliance model

gen age_d1 = age*d1
gen motivate_d1 = motivate*d1
gen educ_d1 = educ*d1
gen assert_d1 = assert*d1
gen single_d1 = single*d1
gen econ_d1 = econ*d1
gen nonwhite_d1 = nonwhite*d1

Add predictors of depression: make interactions with d2 (dummy for depression response)

gen depbase_d2 = depbase*d2
gen risk_d2 = risk*d2

New constraints: effects of covariates on compliance same in treatment and control groups

cons def 4 [p2_1]age = [y]age_d1
cons def 5 [p2_1]motivate = [y]motivate_d1
cons def 6 [p2_1]educ = [y]educ_d1
cons def 7 [p2_1]assert = [y]assert_d1
cons def 8 [p2_1]single = [y]single_d1
cons def 9 [p2_1]econ = [y]econ_d1
cons def 10 [p2_1]nonwhite = [y]nonwhite_d1

Estimate model with covariates for Table 14.6 using gllamm (iteration log not shown)

eq p: age educ motivate econ assert single nonwhite
eq load: nr_d2
gllamm y d1 age_d1 educ_d1 motivate_d1 econ_d1 assert_d1 single_d1 nonwhite_d1 /*
  */ d2 c_r_d2 depbase_d2 risk_d2, i(id) eqs(load) /*
  */ peqs(p) l(logit ident) f(binom gauss) lv(var) fv(var) ip(fn) nip(2)  /*
  */ constr(1/10) frload(1) nocons

number of level 1 units = 837
number of level 2 units = 502
Condition Number = 508.29708
gllamm model with constraints:
 ( 1) - [y]d1 + [p2_1]_cons = 0
 ( 2)  [z2_1_1]nr_d2 = 1
 ( 3)  [z2_1_2]nr_d2 = 0
 ( 4) - [y]age_d1 + [p2_1]age = 0
 ( 5) - [y]motivate_d1 + [p2_1]motivate = 0
 ( 6) - [y]educ_d1 + [p2_1]educ = 0
 ( 7) - [y]assert_d1 + [p2_1]assert = 0
 ( 8) - [y]single_d1 + [p2_1]single = 0
 ( 9) - [y]econ_d1 + [p2_1]econ = 0
 (10) - [y]nonwhite_d1 + [p2_1]nonwhite = 0
log likelihood = -729.4141540404285
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          d1 |  -8.740012   1.581554    -5.53   0.000     -11.8398   -5.640222
      age_d1 |   .0790446   .0140223     5.64   0.000     .0515615    .1065277
     educ_d1 |   .2997689   .0675165     4.44   0.000     .1674391    .4320987
 motivate_d1 |   .6668722   .1598218     4.17   0.000     .3536272    .9801172
     econ_d1 |  -.1586014   .1596605    -0.99   0.321    -.4715302    .1543274
   assert_d1 |   -.375871   .1464048    -2.57   0.010    -.6628191   -.0889229
   single_d1 |    .540194   .2754362     1.96   0.050     .0003489    1.080039
 nonwhite_d1 |  -.4985877   .3123484    -1.60   0.110    -1.110779    .1136038
          d2 |   1.632537   .2791255     5.85   0.000     1.085461    2.179613
      c_r_d2 |  -.1299147   .0755598    -1.72   0.086    -.2780092    .0181798
     risk_d2 |   .9117567   .2624528     3.47   0.001     .3973587    1.426155
  depbase_d2 |  -1.463379   .1826867    -8.01   0.000    -1.821438    -1.10532
Variance at level 1

  .50639704 (.0322776)
Probabilities and locations of random effects

***level 2 (id)
    loc1: 1, 0
  var(1): .00016
    loadings for random effect 1
    nr_d2: .1799526 (.1329182)
    prob: 01.6e-04, 0.9998
    log odds parameters
    class 1
    age: .0790446 (.01402225)
    educ: .2997689 (.06751647)
    motivate: .66687221 (.15982181)
    econ: -.15860142 (.15966048)
    assert: -.37587104 (.14640478)
    single: .54019404 (.27543623)
    nonwhite: -.49858773 (.31234837)
    _cons: -8.7400116 (1.5815542)

Complier Average Causal Effect

lincom [y]c_r_d2 - [id1_1l]nr_d2

 ( 1)  [y]c_r_d2 - [id1_1l]nr_d2 = 0

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         (1) |  -.3098673   .1173219    -2.64   0.008    -.5398141   -.0799205


Vinokur, A. D., Price, R. H. and Schul, Y. (1995). Impact of JOBS intervention on unemployed workers varying in risk for depression. American Journal of Community Psychology 19, 543-562.

Little, R. J. A. and Yau, L. H. Y. (1998). Statistical techniques for analyzing data from prevention trials. Psychological Methods 3, 147-159.

Skrondal, A. and Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2004). Generalized Latent Variable Modeling: Multilevel, Longitudinal and Structural Equation Models. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press.

Datasets and do-files